
Monday to Friday

2 hours from Monday to Friday online training.

Syllabus Class in English only

Reading – graded readers,

Writing – Assigned

Discussion – Assigned

Test Taking Tips

Question Time?


2 hours/day Reading and Listening

Sometimes Journal writing

Weekly TOEIC® Test

In addition students should find topics that they are interested in English and read or listen to these and write in a journal about them

No set homework on Saturday & Sunday – Test and catch up days.


Student Course


16 lesson (32hours)

Business Course


48 Lesson(96 hours)

Intensive Course


80 Lessons (160 hours)

Free Graded Readers Free Graded Readers Free Graded Readers
Free Listening Content Free Listening Content Free Listening Content
Free Weekly TOEIC® Test Free Weekly TOEIC® Test Free Weekly TOEIC® Test
1 Recorded Lesson/wk 3 Recorded Lessons/wk 5 Recorded lessons/wk
¥3750/hr ¥2500/hr ¥2000/hr
¥ 30000/mth ¥ 60000/mth ¥ 80000/mth
¥ 120000/4mths ¥ 240000/4mths ¥ 320000/4mths